Not Going Out Like That

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This is Where I Leave You

This Is Where I Leave You_PB.indd

Judd Foxman is separated and heading towards divorce, unemployed, and living in a basement apartment. His wife has left him for his boss and then his atheist father dies.  His father’s final request is to have his entire family sit Shiva so Judd and his siblings return to the home where they grew up. During the seven days, a variety of family dynamics play out, relationships are tested, and incredible new information is uncovered.

This is not high-brow literarature but it’s funny and witty, so if you are looking for a new book to read – check this one out.


Gone Girl

If you’re a reader, then you have probably heard of the book ‘Gone Girl’ by Jillian Flynn. The story begins on a couple’s fifth wedding anniversary, but when Nick, the husband comes home, he finds his wife gone and the case for him to be the main suspect quickly builds. The first part of the book is written in alternating form with one chapter told from the perspective of the husband and the other chapter being a diary entry from Amy, his wife. I found this to be a little slow at first but it helps to build the characters and ends up being integral to the mystery. The middle of the book is a nailbiting page turner and I couldn’t wait to climb into bed at night and start reading. The ending is surprising, and neither happy, nor sad. It leaves the door open for a number of scenarios.

Some reviewers on Amazon complained that they did not like either of the main characters, but I found myself rooting for one of them despite the bad choices made by that person. My only complaint is that the last part of the book almost seemed like another, separate story. I was ready for it to be tied up and done a little sooner.

If you have time, check out the book for yourself. There are nearly 4,000 reviews on Amazon, so go there if you want a little more on the story before getting the book. Enjoy !

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Worth Reading – What Alice Forgot by Liane Moriarty

What Alice Forgot  is the story of a 39 year old woman who falls off her bike in spin class one day and wakes up thinking it is ten years earlier, and she is 29 and pregnant with her first child. What she doesn’t know is that she is in the process of getting a divorce, barely talks to her sister, and is a person that her 29 year old self would not want to be friends with.

It is well written with characters that you like and root for despite their shortcomings. Alice’s journey is believable and I found myself thinking about who I was ten years ago and if I would like myself now.

My barometer for a good book is based on how curious I am about what happens to the characters and the story, and this book definitely fell into that category. I couldn’t wait to read it every night and stayed up late more than once.

The book is being turned into a film by Fox Studios and is slated for a 2013 release.